Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Gum Scraping Weed Digger

Today I got to spend an hour lounging by the pool at our apartment complex. The temperature was a toasty 84 degrees and the skies were sunny. I'd already jammed much into the day, and thought one hour for me catching up on a six-month-old November magazine by the pool would be just the thing. When I got there, I was the only one at the pool ... at least the only one lounging. There was an employee of the complex there as well. He wore a protective mask over his nose and mouth and carried a sharp scraping tool with him. Every so often I'd glance up from my magazine to see him digging our a weed or scraping at the concrete around the pool. For the longest time I wondered what he was scraping. Then after dipping in the pool, swimming to the stairs and getting out near him, I saw that he was scraping off dark, flattened wads of gum. Apparently people had carelessly spit out their gum around the pool and on the sidewalks leading to it, just feet from the many garbage cans conveniently available. I thought to myself, "Good heavens, how does a person get so lucky to have that job: gum scraper and weed digger." After my hour at the pool was up, I gathered my towel, bag and magazine to head back to the apartment, and looked around the pool. It was gorgeous! He had cleared off every bit of gum and pulled every weed from cracks between the pool's brick edging and the concrete patio. I wondered as I walked away if there was a smile on the man's face behind his mask as he looked over his handiwork. He had done a thorough, yet thankless job. I'm sure not one other resident will look at that pool today and notice it's gum-free, weedlessness and think to themselves: "I really need to thank that guy and tell him nice job!"

My Jesus has that job. He's the gum-scraping, weed digger of my life. When I go to Him for forgiveness, He wipes me clean, creates in me a new heart and puts a right spirit within me (Psalm 52:10). So the next time you see me looking so pretty (on the inside, that is; look closely, my actions will give me away), look to the One who took on the dirty job to cleanse me ... and don't forget to thank Him, because He's got a lot more scraping to go with me.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

By The Sea, You And Me, Oh How Happy We'll Be...

Our family recently returned from a Spring Break vacation in Garden City Beach, SC, one of our favorite places. I went on ahead a couple days earlier than everyone else so I could have time to myself on the beach. I wanted to have a spiritual retreat with God. I decided I would spend two days, just God and me and the beach. I figured a little sunning, sand, seagulls and surf was just what I needed to refocus on my Lord, listen for His beautiful voice, worship Him fully and absorb His goodness.

Those two days I had alone at the beach were certainly not what I hoped for weatherwise. The skies were grey and stormy and the temperature chilly. It rained nearly the entire time, stopping twice for 30 minutes each to allow me the chance to walk along the shore. I believe it was God's way of saying, "Are you here to see me or the ocean, dear daughter?" I admit, I was there for both. This was God's way of making sure the focus was truly on Him.

I glorified the Lord in the silence of being alone and in the roar of the tempestuous ocean ... which by the way provides praise songs with excellent acoustics and background sound. I spent much time in study and prayer. It truly was a retreat with my Almighty God. It was Father/daughter time, with me crawling onto the lap of my Abba and cuddling in His precious arms, pouring out all I wanted to share with Him. He truly is an awesome, loving, amazing, patient Creator. God has billions of kids, so it was cool that we got to spend some quality one-on-one time together without the world to interfere. And I loved being with Him.

Later in the week, I was rewarded with beautiful, warm sunny days, gorgeous sunrises (one that even looked like the Star of David on Holy Week - how cool is that!?), a full moon rise on the horizon, dolphins swimming by, pelicans' dive bomb fishing, a gentle starfish in a tide pool and the cherished company of my family. We had a wonderful time.

You don't have to go to the beach to be alone with God. We have that opportunity every single day, whenever we want, to boldly approach the throne and delight in His company. I'm grateful He loves us that much to give us that access ... access that came at quite a cost in the cross of Christ. But I have to say, looking out over that vast, sometimes violent, often times glistening, always breathtaking sea ... it's pretty cool to be able to be alone with Him there.