This morning as I was changing my sheets, I noticed a large split in the seam of my fitted gold sheet nearly top to bottom. I'd seen the hole earlier, but this morning knew something had to be done. Pre-Recession, I might have just trashed it and got another fitted sheet to match. However, luxury is not a word in our vocabulary right now. So I got out the sewing kit and in 30 minutes the seam was repaired. As I put the sheet on the bed, I noticed an opposite seam splitting. So rather than wait until it got worse, I repaired it as well. The fitted sheet was as good as new.
Later in the morning, I went to put on a pair of copper loop earrings when I noticed how tarnished they were. My first thought was trash them, but instead I got my jewelry cleaner and polished them up as good as new.
It was then I realized how disposable I'd become in my thinking. If something had become less than perfect it was time to throw it away and get something new.
Then I saw my palm tree. I think it may be dying. Just recently we were hit with a stretch of temperatures in the teens. When I bought my palm tree last summer it said, "Hardy to 20 degrees." Knowing our bitter temperatures of late could be detrimental to the palm tree, I covered it each night to keep off the frost. The first few nights it seemed to do okay, but two days ago the fronds started dropping. I cut off the fronds that snapped to the ground. Then I prayed to God to save what is left of the tree. I love to look at my palm tree. It makes me smile. And it's not something I want to toss or replace. I'm doing what I can to help it, but wondering if the palm will grow and thrive.
When I think of my many faults and weaknesses, I wonder if the Lord ever says to Himself, "Time to toss her and replace." I do think a time will come when He does just that, but for now, He's sewing seams, polishing what's tarnished, cutting off what's dead in me and hoping I will grow and thrive. I hope with the years left in me, I can be useful for God's Kingdom, growing it and sharing our Father's love with the lost and lonely. All of us, no matter how used, worn and broken, can be healed by the Father ... good as new. Praise our Lord Jesus for that!