When I was learning to drive, I remember my father giving me this piece of advice: "You drive the car. Do not let the car drive you." He saw that I was afraid of this huge piece of machinary and wanted me to be clear that the car would do what I told it to. He wanted me to get a feel of the steering wheel and the touch of the brake. He wanted me to control the car instead of letting the car control me. It was great advice. I thought of another piece of advice he gave me as I was sawing several downed branches in my back woods yesterday and today. Once when my Dad saw me wearing myself out while forcefully sawing something he said, "Honey, let the saw do the job. You just move your arm back and forth." I relaxed and found that even with less physical effort the logs were cut quite easily.
The other day I felt as if I'd failed in an attempt to share the Gospel with two Mormon missionaries. I cried after our two encounters, feeling I'd failed these young men by not having the right words, even though I had prayed for the Holy Spirit to do the talking. This frustration was just another on top of the recent failure I was feeling towards the many folks I've been praying for recently who do not know Jesus. Knowing the eternal fate of these folks has weighed heavy on my heart. I was hoping I could see a success story.
Then a good friend from high school told me about a teacher she had who used to be Mormon. She said he commented that it took more than one person to cause him to question his beliefs. And I remembered the story of evangelist William Fay who said of his pre-Christian days that he remembered the face of every person who shared Jesus Christ with him. In other words, I may just be one of many the Lord will use to help these young men see the truth of Scripture. It was something I already knew, but was glad to be reminded of once again.
Then another friend reminded me that it's God that does the calling. We just do our part in showing and sharing the love of Christ, via our actions and testimony, and then step back and let God do the job.
The car and saw are both instruments we use to get a job done. One to drive and one to cut through things. We too are instruments used by God to get the job done. And each of us are individually gifted to do different parts of those jobs. I do not need to worry about the success of reaching these children of God. That is God's domain. I'm just supposed to do my part. I think Satan was working on me a bit, perhaps hoping I'd give up since I wasn't seeing results. Instead, I'm going to rejoice in the fact that God gave me two opportunities to speak to the fellows in my neighborhood. And I'm rejoicing that I can pray for my long list of folks who need Jesus.
God's got this. I'm gonna let Him drive and push the saw. And I'll gladly do what He wants whether or not I see the results ... and continue to give Him the glory!