I know two people going through a time like this right now. I have gone through this a time or two myself. And what have I learned? If you are growing God's Kingdom, you are probably dressed in the full armor of God, as described in Ephesian 6:13-17. You understand the nature of salvation; you have faith; you're ready to proclaim the Good News to whoever asks; you know the Truth; you act for and in righteousness. All of that armor, as listed by Paul is defensive, preventative armor. He only lists one weapon ... the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. Satan and his minions have no power against the True Word. Strike with this Sword and you are protected spiritually in ways you may have trouble comprehending. Peter tells us in his first book 5:8 that "like a roaring lion, your adversary the devil prowls around, looking for someone to devour." Peter encourages us to resist him. And Paul says to arm ourselves and fight, for our struggle is not against enemies of blood and flesh, but against "spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places" (Eph. 6:12) This means when everything looks bleak, when friends seem to be turning away, when fellow church goers say something hurtful or when one trial after another comes, your battle goes beyond the earthly realm.
If the Sword of the Spirit is the Word of God, then it we need to be in the Word ALL THE TIME. Morning and night, we need to bury our little faces deep into Scripture, reading, reciting, memorizing, chanting and singing the very Words of God. We need to learn to practically apply that Word to circumstances we're facing. You remember Jesus getting tempted in the wilderness? (Luke 4:1-12) Jesus used this Sword three times to attack the devil as he struck at areas he thought would be Christ's weaknesses.
Do you know a person that seems to have just the right Bible verse at just the right time? These are folks who have spent hours reading and putting to memory God's Word while the Holy Spirit brings those verses to mind when needed. Jesus tells us in John 14:26 the Holy Spirit will "remind you of all that I have said to you." But even if you don't know just the right verse, whatever you do know, say it. If you are dealing with something that seems beyond you, just start reciting every verse you know off the top of your head. It may be only one or two. But do it, saying them over and over again. The first time I did this, I realized I needed to memorize a few more verses because I wanted to say more than Gen. 1:1 and John 3:16!
I promise you, the Word of God will make you feel better. I promise you if you wield the Sword of the Spirit, you will feel the weight of the world lift. I've felt it countless times.
Carry a piece of paper with you that has a verse on it you'd like to memorize. Say it several times a day until it becomes a part of you. When Jesus tells us He will abide with us, He means it. The Word made flesh abides in our hearts. Keep that Sword at the ready. Hang in there. And may God bless you in battle, for we know the victory belongs to Jesus.
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