The first time I saw one, I thought they were so cool looking. The first time I stepped on one barefoot, I screeched in pain. The first time I stepped on one in my shoe and rolled my ankle I thought, "What good, exactly, is this thing?"
I'm talking about the sweet gum seed pods. They are spikey, round, hard pods about an inch or so in diameter that carry the seeds of the sweet gum tree. The Good Lord created them with this hard spikey outer shell to protect the more tender sweet gum seeds within.
The sweet gum tree is a beautiful hardwood native to the Southeast with leaves shaped like stars that turn purple, gold and red in the fall. Interestingly, its seed pods are star-like as well. Spray-painted gold and covered with glitter, they could make great Christmas ornaments, but step on one just once and you'll curse the tree they came from.
When I'm out for a walk and find them in my path, I kick them away to prevent others from accidently stepping on them. I've heard of people putting the seed pods in places they don't want dogs or cats to go to keep them away. Others plant them around garden seedlings underground to keep away slugs.
These sweet gum pods remind me of a few people I know. Not in appearance, mind you, but in personality when it comes to hearing about Jesus Christ. Hard, spiky folks rejecting the gift of grace. I've talked to a few of them about Christ only to get turned away, sometimes with nasty comments questioning my intelligence in an invisible God. I press on in faith - hopefully with gentleness and reverence as 1 Peter 3:16 says and not the passionate directness I more likely employ - in efforts to open their hearts to the mercy of the Almighty and salvation. I know the seeds are there within them, so I pray for them regularly, hoping the Lord finds another to water, soften and get them to grow in Him.
Every single person on this Earth is God's child. We, as Christians, need to find ways of loving them, praying for them and gently sharing the love of Christ with them. We also need to be prepared and educated enough to answer their questions as 1 Peter says a verse prior to the one above. It's what we're required to do, according to Matthew 28:19-20.
I know I'll encounter more and more sweet gum seed pods as they drop in my back woods, in the yard, on sidewalks ... and spiritually in my life. I'll be prepared for the latter with the Word in hopes they hear it, embrace Jesus and grow into strong Christian soldiers who will "shine like stars in the world" [Phil 2:14] ... without the spray paint and glitter.
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