Brad and I had a rummage sale in February to rid ourselves of a bunch of stuff we just didn't need anymore or couldn't fit into our Alabama home. I truly hate to hold rummage sales because it's so much work for so little profit, typically. But we went ahead with what I'll now call our very last rummage sale ever.
We selected the date making sure that it would not rain that day. With all we had, we knew we couldn't keep it all under shelter. It was a brisk day, but no rain was on the horizon. Then we saw it, off in the northwest, a dark forboding front headed our way. It started sprinkling, then sprinkling harder. I couldn't believe our luck. I started praying something like this "Come on, Lord, are you kidding?" I quick ran in the house to grab some towels and sheets to cover everything and prevent as much water damage as possible, and the sprinkles kept coming. As I saw no break in the clouds, I remembered Jesus' words in Mark 11:23 "Truly, I tell you, if you say to this mountain, 'Be taken up and thrown into the sea,' and if you do not doubt in your heart, but believe that what you say will come to pass, it will be done for you." And I also remembered John 14:12: "Very truly, I tell you, the one who believes in me will also do the works that I do and, in fact, will do greater works than these because I am going to the Father."
I remembered those great works of Christ: healings, multiplications of fish and bread, water to wine, raising the dead ... and calming storms. So with confidence I said, "In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I rebuke you storm. You cannot rain here." It continued sprinkling. I looked up to Heaven and said grumbling, "Thanks, a lot."
Brad suddenly ran out of the house. "You would not believe what I just saw! I went to the Weather Channel website and typed in our address to see how much more of this storm was headed our direction. There was a huge red spot on the radar headed right for us. It suddenly made an abrupt turn, went around our street, then got back into the same path it had before and headed south."
My jaw dropped. A beastly storm was headed right for our rummage sale, and the Father knocked it out of the way. Those sprinkles, which lasted only a few more seconds, were nothing compared to what we could have had. God had answered my prayer in a mighty way. Jesus was right.
Jesus was right! Do you see the significance of this? In Christ's name, me, Jill Zimanek, wife, mom, sinful human, stopped a storm! Christ said we could do greater things than what He did on earth if we believed so that God would be glorified through Him. This morning I realized I'd shared that story with several people, but not to the extent that God's children should have heard. Now isn't that something worth glorifying Him for! He makes promises and keeps them. He loves us. He truly is the coolest God ever. Praise you, Almighty Father!
We can move mountains in Christ's name ... just believe.
So Awesome! I love your blog posts. They always give me hope and great inspiration. I miss talking to you on an almost daily basis but I am so thankful that I get to read your words. Thank you!