Yesterday while my son and I were talking music, I shared with him about the talents of the musicians in our church's praise band. I sing with the band, and I was telling my son how each is so amazing at their gift for music and adds their own touch to make a song we put together for Jesus uniquely what it is. And I'm blown away each time. I am in awe of what they can do, more so because I do not have the talent to play much beyond a kazoo, tamborine or "Chopsticks" on the piano (and "Eleanor Rigby" on the guitar - but that's a story for another time.) During practice, the Holy Spirit through these musicians weaves the praise songs into a worship service. And they have no sheet music. That's how good they are. They listen to the songs a few times, maybe have a chord list and pull it together every time. When commenting to them once about their musical gifts, one responded, "If God hadn't given me this gift, I truly don't know what I would be doing with my life."
Recently I was reading in Exodus where God is giving specific details to Moses how to create the Tabernacle ... and I mean specific. God wanted the colors, materials, dimensions, patterns and religious elements to be just so. If I was Moses, I would be thinking, "How am I going to accomplish this?" But before Moses can even ask this, God says in Ex. 31:1-6, "See, I have called by name Bezalel ... and I have filled him with divine spirit, with ability, intelligence and knowledge in every kind of craft to devise artistic designs to work in gold, silver and bronze, in cutting stones for setting and in carving wood in every kind of craft. Moreover I have appointed with him Oholiab ... and I have given skill to all the skillful so that they may make all that I have commanded you." I'm sure Moses gave a big sigh of relief after that. How cool that God gifted these two men before they were even born with the skills God wanted them to utilize for this very moment.
Everyone I know has some unique, divinely-given gift. My brother is one of the most talented artists I've ever seen (and drew the soldier in the Armor of God above). Andrea and Kathy exhaust me with their energy and creative solutions. My mother and Deb are amazing pray-ers. Cindy befriends everyone in Christ's name. Carol, Barb and my sister Jodi compassionately put everyone else before themselves. Connie and Taffy are precious edifiers. My Dad and Ron can fix anything to help God's children. Jan is the great organizer. Brad's sports experiences have drawn many a man to Christ. And the list goes on...
We learn through this Exodus passage that God gifts us for His glory in some way to grow the Kingdom. Can't you almost see Him gently putting you together just as you are and nudging you on to fulfill your purpose? God is so cool.
For me - well, like the words used in Ex. 36:2, my "heart is stirred" to write. May it ever and always glorify Him.
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