However, there's a couple things I've learned about weeds: the varieties grow at different speeds so that two or three may stand a foot above the others, which looks ridiculous; and they are certainly not as fun to run around barefoot in as many are protected by stickers, jaggers and thorns of different kinds. So I'm second guessing my decision to let the weeds take over.
God has laid it on my heart to not dismiss the parallel to our society of late. How much easier it is to keep quiet and let the advancement of poor morals and bad choices take over in a world where less and less people are willing to take the extra effort to put a stop to it. After all, it's not my problem, not affecting me and I'll just get lamblasted to speaking contrary to growing public opinion.
We are saturated daily with cultural choices that are in direct opposition to what our Bible tells us is demanded of us by God. While we have free will, our God doesn't offer options in His commands. They are direct and non-negotiable. It takes more work and courage to be obedient to the Father and stand up for what is right and of God. And it's certainly not always popular. But my fear is if we don't, we're going to have a world full of "weeds" choking out the Word in us. What scares me even more is people are starting to forget what God says is righteous. They find ways to twist or dismiss His Word. Some are unaware of what it actually says, listening to the counsel of those who do the twisting.
God's children, pick up your Bible, read it and obey. The verse God chose for me as a banner this year is 2 Cor. 10:5 "Take every thought captive to obey Christ." Every thought. I love Jesus Christ with my whole heart, but let me tell you, taking every thought captive in obedience for me is tough stuff. My Father's heart breaks every time I choose to do in opposition to His Word, and I'm crushed when I disappoint Him.
But I'm not giving up. I'm going to keep trying. I'm going to quench my thirst for righteousness with Living Water and pull out those "weeds" trying to infiltrate and destroy what is of God in me. I pray my efforts never cease.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some work to do in my yard.
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