Thursday, September 15, 2011

Seeds of God's Word

In my hand, I cradled the tiny seeds I rubbed from the pods of this exotic looking plant through the latter half of my walk. I wanted to make sure I got every seed home safely so I could plant them around my home.

These were seeds of the Amaranthus Illumination, a gorgeous flower standing about 4 feet tall. The top of the plant has a poinsettia like flower with color ranging from golden yellow to deep red. And the folliage below, which is edible in salads I hear, is a deep green.

I saw this flower for the first time on one of my walks. A neighbor had two growing next to her mailbox. They are almost weird looking, poking out of the ground like they almost don't belong where they're planted. I'd never seen these before, but am enchanted. On another walk past the house, a woman was in the yard watering, so I called to her to ask her what they were. She told me the name and I repeated it over and over again to make sure I didn't forget the name so I could google it later. She explained how she found them on the internet, planted a few and now they were popping up all over her yard. Then she showed me the seed pods. "When they start to dry out, you come by here and take some of these pods and plant them in your yard." I was thrilled as I really wanted to see a few in my yard as well.

So after gently rubbing the seeds off one pod to bring back with me, I must've looked pretty silly with my fist closed around them, facing up as I carried them home. I carried them like I had a secret treasure. I honestly wanted to sprinkle them around the neighborhood as I walked so more could enjoy these gorgeous flowers. I can only hope next summer I will have those unusual tall blooms in my yard to delight in.

I wonder if I cradle the seeds of God's word as gently and carefully as I did those Amaranthus Illumination seeds. Do I treasure His Word. Do I desire to sprinkle it all over the place so more can enjoy in His love, guidance and forgiveness. And when I do sow the seeds of His Word, will I get to enjoy the end result - souls who come to know the Living Christ in all His Majesty?! Gosh, I hope so. I certainly try to.

Not knowing what the Amaranthus Illumination looks like when it first germinates, I sure hope I don't accidentally pull them out thinking they're weeds. Likewise, we need to patiently wait as God changes the hearts of men and women through His Sonlight and watering.

I think it's interesting the Amaranthus Illumination looks like the very flower people associate with Christmas, but with an added "on fire" look about it ... kinda like we Christians are all supposed to look. I hope to see them in my yard next summer as a reminder of what I hope to accomplish for Christ: a garden filled with folks on fire for Jesus.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Now That He Has Your Attention

Recently, presidential candidate Michele Bachman made a comment that got a few folks riled up. She indicated that God was using natural disasters to get the attention of the politicians and the American public. She said, "I don't know how much God has to do to get the attention of the politicians. We've had an earthquake; we've had a hurricane. He said, 'Are you going to start listening to me here?'"

She was later asked on CBS's Face The Nation if she believed God used the weather to get people's attention. She made a comment about not being ashamed to say she believed in God and then said she made the above comment as a "metaphor." Since a metaphor is a comparison, I'm not quite sure what exactly she was comparing. It seems her metaphor comment was a cop out.

I quite like the comment Bachman made about God trying to get our attention, because I have no doubt God sometimes uses natural disaster to send messages to us. He did it several times in the Bible. In Exodus, He sent plagues that included a hail storm. In Jonah, He sent a storm on the seas to get the prophet's attention, In 1 Kings, Elijah tells of a drought sent by God. In Matthew, an earthquake occurs when God in the flesh of His Son, Jesus Christ, is crucified on the cross. Of course we also have Scripture talking of Satan using nature at his disposal, too, as in the book of Job. So, who then, is responsible for an earthquake in Virginia, a hurricane up the East coast, a drought in Texas, flooding from a tropical storm in Pennsylvania, tornadoes in Alabama or Minnesota and devasting spring flooding in Minot, N.D?

Could just be that's the way the earth spins, as I hear many folks say. But it could also be our Father. Let's face it, America is not making all the best choices in the world. Culture is taking us in directions away from Scripture: fornication, adultery, murder in abortion and homosexuality to name a few, the last two supported by our own president. The Bible isn't vague on these subjects. It's quite clear. But some folks don't seem to care what the Bible says. Paul warned this would happen in 2 Timothy 4:3 where it says, "For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear." We got a few folks with itchy ears these days.

Whether God used the weather to send a message or not, it's certainly driving people to their knees. I'm hopeful while praying, many are doing a self-examination, asking themselves if the life they are living is in accordance with what God demands of us. And if changes need to be made based on that examination, are we making them?

We need to direct our attention back to the Word to find out if we are in obedience to Him and turn our lives around to be in accordance with it, even if it's not politically correct.

My husband and I are currently facilitating a class called "The Truth Project" which focuses on Biblical truths in all areas of culture. When participating in this class you realize how many lies people today are believing. How Satan is twisting God's beautiful Word and tempting so many to fall for these lies. The American people are being duped and falling for it. If people realized they were being bamboozled by Satan, would they turn from these sins? In 2 Timothy 4:4 Paul says during this "itching ear" period, people will turn away from the truth and turn to myths. What is the truth? Well, according to Jesus Christ, He is. (John 14:6) And Christ, John 1:14 says, is the Word made flesh. Therefore, the Word is truth.

Isn't it about time we started obeying it?

If God is using natural disasters to get our attention, well, folks, I've had enough. And I certainly hope you have, too. He's certainly got my attention. Turn back to the Truth. Do we really what to chance it and see what else might be thrown our way?

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Repent and Live

Ezekiel is one crazy book of the Bible. I've avoided it most of my life because of its bizarre imagery, most of which I never truly could understand. I mean he shaves his head and beard with a sword, lays on his side for 390 days, cooks food over excrement and sees wheels covered in eyeballs. Weird stuff. But I'm reading through the Bible chronologically this year, so I'm diving in headfirst with Ezekiel. And I've learned so much from it. Wish I'd have done this sooner.

Ezekiel prophesied at the tail end of the reign of Israel's kings (the Judah/Southern Kingdom). These kings were continuing the years and years of disobedience, breaking God's laws, worshipping idols and performing all kinds of heinous acts. The Lord sent messenger after messenger to warn His children to obey, but they refused. Repent and live, is His constant plea. He pursued them. They turned away.

I've come to the conclusion that Ezekiel is all about how God had had enough. He sends Ezekiel to his children in Jerusalem to tell them the jig is up. He's done and they are about to be conquered by the Babylonians. And He repeats over and over again, "Then you will know that I am the Sovereign Lord." Ez. 23:49b.

Of course Judah is conquered by the Babylonians, and the Israelites are in exile for 70 years. After that period of time, the Jews are never again in history accused of idolatry. They learned their lesson ... the hard way.

It made me think of God's children who are refusing Him today. The Ricky Gervaises and Richard Dawkins of the worlds. There will come a day when the Almighty has had enough. And woe to those, truly. What the Israelites received in the form of punishment from this holy, just, loving God - famine, plague, war, captivity, death - is nothing compared to what those who refuse His Son will reap in the end.

Ezekiel chapter 18 is all about how each soul is responsible for their own sin and their own repentence ... and ultimately their own eternity. And He promised in 16:63 that when He makes atonement for us in Christ Jesus, that we will be ashamed. God says to the Israelites in 22:14 "Will your courage endure or your hands be strong in the day I deal with you?" Woe to those who think that time will not come.

I prayed today for those who are so arrogant to proclaim there is no God. Psalm 14:1 says "A fool says in his heart, 'There is no God.'" I am praying these children will turn back to our Father who loves them so much and promises such an abundant life in Him. The message is clear. The message is love, mercy and grace. The requirement is repentance and obedience.

Christians, we need to be praying relentlessly for our lost brothers and sisters. We need to speak to them about Jesus, as Ez. 2:7 says, "whether they listen or fail to listen." When God says in Ez. 22:30 "I looked for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not destroy it, but I found none," my heart sank a bit in me. How many of us do not stand in the gap? We live in a country so blessed by God, yet our culture is slipping into the same detestable practices as the Israelites. We need to be courageous, bold and persistant in Christ's commission to "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations" (Matt. 28:19).

Ezekiel 36 promises hope when we've repented: "I will give you a new heart and put a new Spirit in you" (verse 26); "I will save you from all your uncleanness" (verse 29); "You will be my people and I will be your God" (verse 28). What peace! What joy! Glory to Him!

For those reading this today who have turned away from the One who created and loves you, I share in Ezekiel's message ... repent and live.