In my hand, I cradled the tiny seeds I rubbed from the pods of this exotic looking plant through the latter half of my walk. I wanted to make sure I got every seed home safely so I could plant them around my home.
These were seeds of the Amaranthus Illumination, a gorgeous flower standing about 4 feet tall. The top of the plant has a poinsettia like flower with color ranging from golden yellow to deep red. And the folliage below, which is edible in salads I hear, is a deep green.
I saw this flower for the first time on one of my walks. A neighbor had two growing next to her mailbox. They are almost weird looking, poking out of the ground like they almost don't belong where they're planted. I'd never seen these before, but am enchanted. On another walk past the house, a woman was in the yard watering, so I called to her to ask her what they were. She told me the name and I repeated it over and over again to make sure I didn't forget the name so I could google it later. She explained how she found them on the internet, planted a few and now they were popping up all over her yard. Then she showed me the seed pods. "When they start to dry out, you come by here and take some of these pods and plant them in your yard." I was thrilled as I really wanted to see a few in my yard as well.
So after gently rubbing the seeds off one pod to bring back with me, I must've looked pretty silly with my fist closed around them, facing up as I carried them home. I carried them like I had a secret treasure. I honestly wanted to sprinkle them around the neighborhood as I walked so more could enjoy these gorgeous flowers. I can only hope next summer I will have those unusual tall blooms in my yard to delight in.
I wonder if I cradle the seeds of God's word as gently and carefully as I did those Amaranthus Illumination seeds. Do I treasure His Word. Do I desire to sprinkle it all over the place so more can enjoy in His love, guidance and forgiveness. And when I do sow the seeds of His Word, will I get to enjoy the end result - souls who come to know the Living Christ in all His Majesty?! Gosh, I hope so. I certainly try to.
Not knowing what the Amaranthus Illumination looks like when it first germinates, I sure hope I don't accidentally pull them out thinking they're weeds. Likewise, we need to patiently wait as God changes the hearts of men and women through His Sonlight and watering.
I think it's interesting the Amaranthus Illumination looks like the very flower people associate with Christmas, but with an added "on fire" look about it ... kinda like we Christians are all supposed to look. I hope to see them in my yard next summer as a reminder of what I hope to accomplish for Christ: a garden filled with folks on fire for Jesus.
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