Take William Tyndale for example, who during King Henry VIII's reign, translated the Bible from its original Hebrew and Greek into English. A harmless and even commendable endeavor, it threatened the religious leaders of the day. He was arrested and charged with heresy (coincidentally after writing a paper opposing Henry's recent divorce) and executed by strangulation with his body then burned at the stake in 1536. King Henry VIII four years later asked for an English translation of the Bible, based entirely on Tyndale's work. Nice.
The fact that our Bible has survived history with so many manuscripts to back it up and with such accuracy in the copies and translations over time is itself a feat. The fact that what started out as oral tradition is now in printed form in every room of my house and in my car, is just mindblowing. I am blessed indeed.
This exhibit made my husband and I appreciate our Bibles all the more. How can we, holding in our hands a copy of this beautiful love letter from our Father, not read our Bibles when so many went to such extremes to see to it we have one?
I have met many folks who have told me that don't read the Bible because they are pretty sure they'd never understand it. Well, that's just piffle (just discovered this word and had to use it. It means "nonsense.") There are so many translations and commentaries out there you can most certainly understand the Word. It's the Holy Spirit who reveals to us the meaning of the Scriptures anyways (John 16:13, 1 Cor. 2:10-13). Read it. Read it again. Make a habit of reading God's Word everyday and then watch as the Spirit teaches you something through it in a powerful way.
Interestingly, there are many languages yet without a copy of the Holy Bible. The Seed Company (a non-profit organization that translates the Bible) estimates over 2,000 languages as yet are without translation of the Word. They have set a goal to see to it every language in the world has a copy of the Bible within the next 20 years. I will be praying for their success. To help them, go to www.theseedcompany.org for more information.
In the meantime, pick up that Bible that you've been blessed to have - yeah, the one under your bed covered in dust - there it is. Now blow the dust off it, crack it open and start wearing out the pages. I tell my Sunday School kids all the time the best kind of Bible is a well-read one. Make yours the best.
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