My husband always says he would never go back in time to change things because he is who he is today because of the joys and trials he's faced. I, too, am a product of not just genetics and environment, but of the circumstances that have come my way. I still wish I could change things in my past and honestly could provide my 20-year-old self with some wisdom. Since I can't, I am hoping my sweet 20-something friends and my children will heed what's here, and save themselves a whole lot of hassle...
Dear 20-year-old Self,
First of all, I just want to tell you that when you look in the mirror, you are gorgeous. I know what you're thinking, but you are NOT fat, you are NOT ugly and you are filled with potential. You are unique! Song of Solomon has it right: "You are beautiful, my love, there is no flaw in you." (4:7).
While you should enjoy the sun, understand that exposure to it causes one of the nastiest cancers there is - malignant melanoma. Please use caution. Do not get sunburned. You have a genetic disposition to it. And, it causes age spots and wrinkles that you're going to be surprised with around age 40.
Speaking of age 40, that's also about the time you'll need reading glasses to see anything up close. It's truly frustrating when you can't read the tiny print in your Bible and have to get a new one with ginormous letters. You might want to just start off with that one, because you'll even have trouble reading all those notes you wrote in the margins of things you didn't want to forget. Write big.
Make it a habit to eat right now. Yes, that means portion control and good food groups - not just chocolate and fried foods. If you get in that habit now, you're good to go in the future.
Don't be so afraid. Take some risks. Yes, you'll fail repeatedly, but you'll have plenty of successes, too. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. (Phil 4:13) Don't be so worried about people's approval. Just make sure you're pleasing the Lord.
When you have kids (and you will - two amazing ones) don't be in a such a hurry for them to grow up. Enjoy every single moment of their little growing years. They will move out around age 18 and rarely make it back home. You are borrowing them from God for that short period of time, so really soak it in. By the way, do NOT get that Playstation for them. More time in front of a screen is not what they need, trust me. And pray and read the Bible to them more.
Have fun with your grandparents. Their lives intersect with yours briefly. And they are so much fun. Really learn from and listen to them. Save all the letters from your grandma about gardening. You could really use them later.
I know you don't like to cook, but try anyways. You're husband will thank you later.
And speaking of him - yes, it's Brad, relax - pray for him without ceasing. Wait till you see what he does for Jesus! It will blow your mind. And he ages really well. :) By the way, that thing I just typed is called an emoticon and it's a smiley.
Seek countless opportunities to serve. The opportunities to learn and pray are endless and right in front of you, but if you don't look for the places to serve, you could miss them. The world does not revolve around you.
Save your money. You're going to want to spend it and you're going to wonder at many times on this journey how you could ever possibly save, but do it. Even if it's just a little. And for crying out loud, TITHE! Do not wait until you think you can do it. Do it immediately. You will be blessed beyond measure and it will help in that whole saving process.
Don't compromise your beliefs. You know what is truth, because you've read it in Scripture. The world is going to try to convince you otherwise, but stick to the Word. So much peace and abundant life there. You think Madonna's bad? Just wait to you see Lady Gaga. Yes, that's her name. Seriously. Stop laughing.
You think your memory is bad now, you just wait. You'll take lots of pictures, so that will help. Your husband will insist that you've been to the Milwaukee Zoo in 1994. Be sure to take pictures of that, because you have no proof and it disappears into the abyss.
Emphasize cursive to your kids. Make them practice. It starts to disappear in the 2000s to the point that your children's generation will not be able to read it. Make sure your kids can.
Don't waste your time watching "Lost" (a TV show in the future). Trust me, you can use that time so much more efficiently elsewhere.
Take time every morning for devotions. I know you are not a morning person, but every day will go better if you start it with Scripture and prayer.
When you find something you really like, get two of them if you can. It never fails that when it wears out, you'll wish you had an extra.
Never let the devil get a foothold. He will try your whole life.To get you to be upset with the little things to destroy friendships. As soon as you feel that negativity, give it to God and remember what is important - love, love, love.
Remember to have fun. God has given, and will continue to give, you so very much. Enjoy it all and be sure to thank Him for every bit of it.
That's all for now. I don't have time to tell you about cellphones, Facebook and flat screen TVs. You will love all three, but keep it in perspective and use them wisely.
By the way, God loves you so very much. Loves you, loves you, loves you. You are never alone. Make good choices.
In Christ who died for you ~ 48-year-old You
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