After work, I went back out to check the tires and get them all to 36 from 40, when I noticed the back right tire was yet again down to 31. I knew that meant something was wrong with the tire. So for the third time I was removing hubcaps and adding air in my all-white ensemble. On the way home, I called Jennifer to see if she could check the tire. She said to bring it right in. Sure enough there was a screw in the tire. A few minutes later, the tire was patched up (at no charge by my sweet friend), and I was headed home.
Here's the thing. On the way to work, I was annoyed that I had to stop. I was bummed I chose to wear a white skirt. I was frustrated the low-inflation light came on in the first place and then wouldn't go off when I thought I had the PSI correct. Then to have to check the tire pressure again, deflate and refill. Arrrggg, it was a pile of inconveniences.
But let me tell you, I praised my Father in heaven for every single one of them. I thanked Him that the light went on, or I would have been stuck on the shoulder of the interstate waiting for a tow. I thanked Him that the light stayed on even when I thought I had the correct PSI. I thanked Him that I over inflated them and that I thought to call Jennifer for advice. I thanked Him that the tire deflated so quickly that I had to re-inflate a second time. Because of all of those inconveniences which truly gnawed at me, I was protected from far worse circumstances.
It gave me perspective. I thought about the many times over the years I have complained about this or that inconvenience in my life. But how many times have those inconveniences actually been a forewarning or protection of some kind? It had made me stop and think a bit before I complain that perhaps God is trying to get my attention focused on something else or covering me with His protection. How I love Him!
I believe those inconveniences are why Paul wrote, "Be thankful in all circumstances." 1 Thess. 5:18 You just don't know how those circumstances are working for your benefit, even if they feel like hindrances at the time.
My husband left for work about five minutes ago, and he just walked back in the door with a shout, "I forgot my phone!" He grabbed his phone and headed back out the door to his car. I ran out to him and said, "Whoa, how about another kiss before you leave?" I have no idea why in the grand scheme of this life journey that he left his phone here at home. Perhaps God was protecting him from something he would have experienced had he not had to turn around. But if I get an extra kiss out of it ... it's worth the inconvenience. Praising God for that, too.
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