Friday, March 20, 2020

I Want To Go To Church

For the first time in my almost 55 years (my birthday is Sunday), I was told I couldn't go to church, and I wept. Last Sunday, my husband - a pastor at our church - told me the staff had decided based on the recommendations from the Center for Disease Control with this COVID-19 pandemic and in the best interest health-wise of our congregation, that church within the building would be canceled. We would still have online church, but no one could come to church. And it broke my heart.

See, church is my family. I don't have to be there. I get to be there. I want to be there. It's where my fellow sinners, hypocrites and repenters get together to worship my Holy, Awesome, Mighty, Most High God. I'm excited to be at church. I can't wait to hear the message proclaimed, the Scripture read, the music sung and to hug on my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. I can't wait to learn. I can't wait to teach. I want to know what is going on in our families' lives since I saw them last. How can I comfort them? How can I pray with them? What answers to prayer have they had this week? Give me even more reasons to praise my Lord and Savior!

My husband and I have moved many times and attended many churches in the process. Because we are so far from our children, immediate families and extended families, our church has always become family. When we had a need, our church came through for us, just as we would hope to come through for them. We all love Jesus, so I can think of nowhere else I'd rather be than surrounded by these God-fearers and faithful in worship of the one who gave His life for me. Glory, Hallelujah!

But this Sunday (and perhaps more) will be different. We can't go. For our safety, for our parishioners' safety, we are staying home. We will listen to the message, like everyone else, online. Frankly, we can listen to as many messages as we want online at home. Could be a perpetual sermon Sunday. But as all consistent worshipers know, worshiping corporately is Holy Spirit super-charging. When I feel like I'm alone in my sin or circumstances, I'm reminded by the faithful that they are struggling, too. When I want to lift my hands in euphoric worship of the One True God while stirred deep in my soul by voices lifted to Him in precious harmony, I look around me and see the many around me bursting with that same pure presence of our Creator. I get my energy and passion boosted each week (sometimes several times a week) by this fellowship. So to hear that I couldn't just tore me up.

A couple days ago I heard the song Church (Take Me Back) by Cochran & Company Worship on the radio. The chorus goes like this:
Take me back
To the place that feels like home
To the people I can depend on
To the faith that's in my bones
Take me back
To a preacher and a verse
Where they've seen me at my worst
To the love I had at first
Oh, I want to go to church

Yep, more tears. Then there's the bridge: 

Oh, more than an obligation
It's our foundation
The family of God
I know it's hard
But we need each other
We're sisters and brothers
Oh, I want to go to church. I want to go to church. I want to go to church. These Sundays when I can't, my heart will be hurting. Church is not an obligation to me. I won't get to Paradise any faster because I'm there each Sunday. But I want to be there. For me, worship is a tiny taste of Heaven every single week. 

For those who have never been, when you get the chance, don't miss it. For those who left for some reason where their feelings were hurt because of some other sinner within the building, when you get the chance to go back, don't miss it. For those who come twice a year at Christmas and Easter to make appearances for family sake or meet some inner obligation, when you get the chance to go back regularly, don't miss it. For those who go once or twice a month and feel that's enough to get your worship on, when you get the chance to go back every single Sunday, don't miss it. Don't miss it!

Because when it's not there, you will. 

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