Thursday, February 5, 2009

Best Stump

I have been lamenting to a number of people about how silent the Lord has been in my life lately. Like Elijah, I listened for Him in the wind, earthquake and fire, but haven't heard Him. I listened for the still small voice and again nothing. Then last week a friend said something to me that was, I believe, confirmed during a sermon I heard Sunday at church. Recently our family moved from Wisconsin to Alabama. We left kicking and screaming as we love our home, friends, family and obligations in Wisconsin. But my husband was laid off before Christmas and the job in Alabama opened up in perfect, divine timing. I just wasn't feeling it.

My friend, Greg, said to me, "Jill, I think God moved you so he could grow the rest of us." I listened to what he said, neither agreeing or disagreeing. Then on Sunday the pastor preached on Jesus speaking to the Samaritan woman at the well (John 4:1-42). He questioned: "Why did Jesus send all 12 of the disciples into the city for food?" In his sermon he answered his own question with the comment that he believed it was because they would be in the way as Jesus spoke to this woman. Speaking to a Samaritan was looked down upon by Jews. So he got the disciples out of the way to grow the woman. It's possible, this pastor said, that if you are in God's way, He'll remove you from a situation to grow others. Now, let me tell you, the last thing I ever want to be is in God's way. At the same time, if that's why we were moved ... it sure hurts. But pruning always does and in the end we look far more full and vibrant, accomplishing much more, producing more fruit as John 15 tells us. I told my Dad recently I felt like God had pruned me back to a stump. He said, "Then be the best stump you can be." So I am ...


  1. Jill is not a stump. She is my gift from God ... I'm her husband and she lives and breathes to glorify him in all she does.


  2. Jill:

    Thanks for sharing. Even though I have only known you for a short while, you have been a blessing to me. Your energy and love for the Lord are an encouragment to so many. May God bless you as you step out in to this new adventure.


