Yesterday I was taking care of two ill ones. My son, who has the flu, and my computer, which had a nasty virus. It was freakish in the parallel to them both as they suffered. As my computer was slow, closing down and malfunctioning, my son was dizzy, burning with fever and sluggish. One required the expertise of my brother who deals with computer security on a daily basis. He's a computer doctor, if you will. He said, "A lot of what I do is good guessing ... I just look at the symptoms, try to find out where the virus has hid itself and remove it." Three to four hours later, my computer is virus free, security updated, filled with new blocks to scary things like malware and hijacks and moving so much faster.
My son, on the other hand, is taking a little longer. He also saw a doctor who asked about all his symptoms, did some tests to eliminate some guesses and prescribed what he felt would help Anton's body be more comfortable as it fights this virus. Alternating painkillers and anti-inflammatories, plus cough medicines are helping his body as his cells fight to destroy the virus that is bringing him down. It could be days before his body is virus free, built up with antibodies to prevent that virus from every attacking again, stronger and moving faster.
Aren't we grateful to loving God that when we're infected with sin that's slowing us down and causing us to malfunction, He doesn't have to look at the symptoms and guess? He knows exactly what's wrong. Interestingly, we probably have a pretty good idea what it is causing the problem as well.
God already gave us the cure ...Accepting His Son, Jesus Christ, as Savior; asking for forgiveness for our sins and turning our life around, digging deeper into His Word so that we'll be stronger in fighting future sin and more fruitful in our service to Him. And know that in Jesus, we are "virus" free where we can boldly approach our Father's throne.
Hallelujah to Jehovah Raffa, God Who Heals; heals us not just physically, but emotionally and spiritually as well. Glory to God Almighty!
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