Sitting at the end of one of my neighbor's driveways is a bowl of water, a bowl of catfood and a bamboo placemat usually with a feathery toy laying on it. It's right there near the road. It sits there because in the sewer that drains right there at the curb lives two feral kittens. Apparently my neighbor, while not claiming ownership of the cats, has not turned a blind eye to their need for food and water. It's full every day when I walk by.
Recently my pastor preached on Matt. 6:25-34 about worrying. Though I've read this Scripture countless times, this sermon couldn't have come at a more perfect time. Just recently, my sister was diagnosed with malignant melanoma. She has had surgery and awaits a meeting with a doctor to determine the amount and frequency of her chemotherapy treatments. Then just the other day, my father was diagnosed with the same thing. He is awaiting news from his doctor about surgery and whether or not his body can even handle the surgery since he is already dealing with a low white blood cell count due to his leukemia. If there was ever a time to worry about tomorrow, this is it.
But God assures me in the above Scripture that worrying isn't worth it. By worrying, I can't add a single hour to my life, Jesus says in vs. 27. I know by worrying I've lost more than a few hours, however. Jesus adds later in vs.34 tomorrow will bring worries of its own and to just handle today's troubles.
In the midst of that passage of Scripture, Jesus asks His disciples to consider the birds of the air and the lilies of the field and how God cares for them, adding "Are you not of more value than they?" It made me think of that neighbor down the street caring for these two kittens to make sure their needs are met. And it made me smile. I know God is going to care for my sister and father.
A friend recently asked me how I was doing after this latest health blow to my family. I said without hesitation, "I'm not going to worry about it, because Jesus told me it won't help anything." I'm going to spend that time praying instead.
Hi Jill. I didn't know about your dad! Sorry to hear about it. I hope you've gotten better news since finding out. I so love all your blogs! I love the way you write and your insights- always a blessing for me to read. This one too. Worry and anxiety about anything (my concerns pale when compared to your family's)is a waste of time that could and should be spent in prayer. Thanks for the reminder. I knew it- I just let Satan get the better of me. God bless you and Jody and your dad. Hang in- hang on. xo