I walk two miles every day, sometimes more. I take different routes through the neighborhoods adjacent to mine for some variety. On one particular street there is a home with seven garden gnomes under a magnolia tree. It's the same home that had lifesize carolers on the front porch at Christmas. I mention this because it's a home I notice everytime I walk by it.
More recently there has been another reason to notice it. This summer, nearly every time I've walked by this home, I have waved to the owners. An elderly couple lives there, I'm guessing in their 80's. And every day, the husband wheels his wife, still in her jammies, out onto the driveway. He brings out their black poodle to run out by the gnomes and sets his resin chair next to her wheelchair. And they sit there, sometimes in the sun, sometimes in the shade, waving to passersby and enjoying each other's company. They are always smiling. I am touched each time as I see him gently bringing his wife out to enjoy some fresh air. And I was especially touched when I saw him bring out a standing fan on a long electrical cord to blow a soft breeze on her during our hotter days. She still enjoyed the outdoors and people, but now with some comfort. It was truly beautiful to see. I asked my husband later, "Will you wheel me outside and put a fan beside me when I'm unable to do it?" He assured me he would, then added, "unless it's you wheeling me outside."
Our daughter, Ayla, visited a weekend recently. She's a workaholic and had exhausted herself to the point where her body was begging her to slow down. I got to coddle and cuddle her in an effort to try to get her rested and strong. I enjoyed caring for and loving on her. She is so precious to me, so her well-being is important to me.
I'm reminded in the caring of an elderly man for his wife and my love for my daughter of our Father's care for us. Jesus tells us in Matthew 6:8, we don't need to use a bunch of words in our prayers because God already know what we need. He knows our needs and wants to care for us. And who could possibly do a better job than the Creator of the universe. He knows what's best for us physically, mentally and emotionally. I love that he even knows the number of hairs on our heads (Matt. 10:30. Every time I brush mine and watch several fall out I'm telling God, "Recount!"). This is a God who truly, lovingly cares about the details, growth and abundant joy of His children. (2 Cor. 1:3-6)
I live for the day when I can sit by my Father in Heaven and delight in His company. I'm thinking I won't need to bring a fan to cool Him or a dog to entertain Him in Paradise, but I know I'll want to see to His comfort and serve Him. In the meantime, I'm going to love on His children here. I think He'd like that.
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