Johann Sebastian Bach, the composer, would put the initials SDG for the Latin "Soli Deo Gloria" on every cantata he wrote. It was a reminder to the musician and listener that everything he did was for the Glory of God Alone. This is for Him. ~ Jill Zimanek
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Solomon Syndrome
Imagine being unfathomably wealthy. Imagine being better than everyone else at what you do. Imagine being edified, even idolized, for it regularly. Imagine not having a single need that you cannot meet yourself.
I'm not talking about Solomon, as the title of this implies. I'm talking about Tiger Woods.
These last couple weeks, Tiger has had something of a public relations nightmare as rumors have circulated about his infidelity which he confirmed in his own statement about taking a leave from the sport which has graced his life. When this all came out in the news my son said, "Why has this happened? Tiger had everything: money, he did what he loved and was good at it; he has a beautiful wife and children. Why would he do this?" I just looked at him and said, "It's the Solomon Syndrome."
As Solomon is one of my son's favorite Biblical people because of his wisdom, this resonated with Anton. Solomon had everything: wisdom, wealth and honor to the point where God says "no other king will compare with you." (1 Kings 3:13) On top of all that, Solomon had God. He not only had the teachings and life lessons of his father, King David, but he had direct contact with the Father through a dream where God told him in 1 Kings 3:14 "If you walk in my ways, keeping my statutes and my commandments, as your father David walked, then I will lengthen your life." Later God reaffirms and enhances this in 1 Kings 9:4 "As for you, if you will walk before me, as David your father walked, with integrity of heart and uprightness, doing according to all that I have commanded you and keeping my statutes and my ordinances over Israel forever, as I promised your father David saying: 'There shall not fail you a successor on the thrown of Israel.'"
Biblical history tells us Solomon didn't do as God commanded. He married countless women, many who worshiped idols, prompting Solomon to worship these false gods. As a result, Israel was divided and the kingdom collapsed. Solomon wrote a book on his vanity called Ecclesiastes, having learned that finding joy in accumulating things of the world is akin to "chasing after the wind." He ends his book with these words: "The end of the matter; all has been heard. Fear God and keep his commandments; for that is the whole duty of everyone. For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every secret thing whether good or evil." (Eccles. 12:13-14)
When Tiger made his most recent statement, Miami Heat basketball player Dwyane Wade said, "One thing people don't understand is that we're human. You're not born with a menu on how not to do things wrong. You going to make mistakes like every human being."
But Dwyane is wrong. We are born with a menu that tells us how not to do things wrong. It's called the Bible. It's just we choose to do wrong anyways.
God knows what we have to deal with as humans. For heaven's sake, he was one in Jesus Christ and dealt with every temptation we did (Hebrews 4:15).
We can do the right thing. We can. Tiger said in his most recent statement "I need to focus my attention on being a better husband, father and person." He does. We all need to focus on that. The issue is, what are you using as your guide to do that? Where is your focus? Scripture (Joshua 1:8) tells us Joshua was encouraged by God to "meditate on [the book of the law] day and night, so that you may be careful to act in accordance with all that is written in it."
When the news of Tiger first came out, my husband asked: "Do you think Tiger has Jesus?" I said I didn't know, but thought perhaps he should try to contact him to tell him. My husband laughed, seeing that task as next to impossible. But somebody needs to.
Our family is praying for Tiger. We're praying if he doesn't know Christ, he finds Him. We're praying he find Scripture and reads it thoroughly. We're praying he acts in accordance with all that is written in it. We're praying he becomes that better husband, father and person he wishes to be.
Imagine a Tiger Woods, with all the blessings he already has, filled with the Holy Spirit? What couldn't that man accomplish in Christ's name? How many could come to know Christ through him?
[Wise Solomon painting by Lars Justinen]
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Winning in the Unseen World
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Out of Context
Monday, September 28, 2009
All The Waving
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Leave Your Name And Number
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Running Out Of Time
Monday, August 10, 2009
Before handing it over, however, we had to clean it out. We removed the jugs of mixed antifreeze, empty plastic drink bottles, insurance papers, CDs and took off the license plate. While digging through the center storage unit, I came across tons of papers all folded up of various sizes. When I started going through them I discovered one was directions to my children's youth group leader's home. One had directions to the mall. Another had directions to the college tech school where my daughter attended and so on. My daughter had driven this car for more than a year before she passed it onto her brother. Everytime she needed to know where to go, I had written, typed or copied directions down for her. What was so comical is that every single one I'd ever given her, she had saved.
Perhaps she just never got around to throwing them out. Perhaps she kept them just incase she forgot how to get where she was going.
I have a GPS device that does the same thing those papers did for Ayla. It tells me "turn right" and I do. It tells me "stay left" and I do. It's designed to get me to my destination the quickest and shortest way. By listening to that GPS, my trips are typically smooth and direct.
On the Sunday School wall of the 6-8th grade at our church in Wisconsin, a slogan on the wall reads: "BIBLE: Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth." It's funny and clever ... and true. Our Bible is chock full of directions, from commands to love, to how to tithe, forgive, worship, pray and ultimately spend eternity with God our Father. It's not just basic instructions before leaving Earth, but also directions on how to get to Paradise. John 3:16 tells me that if I just believe in Jesus, I will have everlasting life with God. Hallelujah! I do believe in my Savior who died to pay the price for my sins. So you know what that means? I am going to Heaven! I will get to see the Lord God Almighty sitting on the rainbow throne and worship Him with songs at the top of my lungs about how much I love Him. I will get to run into the arms of Jesus, weep at His shoulder to beg for forgiveness and thank Him over and over again for His amazing sacrifice, not to mention for sending the Holy Spirit to guide and teach. I am going to Heaven. HEAVEN! Yahoo!
Just like Ayla saved the directions to all those places she needed to find, I plan on holding on tight to the Word. It's directions will not only get me to that final destination of my dreams, but will hopefully mold me into the person God is trying desperately for me to grow into.
I'll bet He's hoping I follow the Bible's commands as completely as I do the GPS device. It would sure make the journey a lot smoother.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Sure Foundation
One of those lots is in the process of getting a new house built on it. I've watched every day the changes to the new home. First the concrete slab (no basements here in Alabama), then the wood frame, then the roof, etc. It's been exciting to watch the progress. But I just can't help but think if another tornado comes by, it just doesn't stand a chance. It would be reduced to toothpicks and pebbles in no time.
We face those same crazy storms in life. Some with the metaphorical gale force winds, hail and lightning attempting to destroy everything in its path. Spiritually, these storms can do a lot of damage. But unlike the tornado, if your faith in Christ is secure, you will not lose that foundation ... ever. He is that sure foundation. He promises to be there. Isaiah 28:16 says: "See, I am laying in Zion a foundation stone, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone, a sure foundation." Hallelujah for Jesus Christ, that sure foundation. I know I can face any storm.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Magical Moments
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Flashing By
On another road I saw a sign flashing the speed limit. As you go by, it flashes the miles per hour you are driving ... only if you are over the speed limit posted in the area. In this area, the speed limit was 25 mph, so when I reached 30, the sign started flashing. My son said, "You're at 30!" So I slowed down immediately.
One device counts the number of people that go by. Another warns them when they've gone by way too fast.
Most recently, I have been preoccupied. It started with the days leading up to our move to a new home from our apartment. We began having guests arrive to help us with our relocation and repairs on the new home. Then came the move. Then all the work involved with unpacking, moving furniture, fixing additional items, sorting, cleaning, etc. In the midst of that, we moved a second load to the house and began the process all over again. As a result, I found myself pushing my devotion time with God away. I'll do it after this ... I'll do it after that... I'll get to it in a little bit, etc. And of course, I wouldn't. My important private time with my Father was taking a backseat to the craziness of the day, over and over again. Were the Lord a cable on the road, He would have seen me pass by countless times. But it wasn't that I needed additional time or an alternative time, I just needed to prioritize it. The warning signs were definitely flashing. I found my stress level increasing. I found my focus skewed. I became irritable, lost, confused, all the time continuing to zip on by.
While attending my first Reunion Group meeting (a Christian accountability group) here in Alabama, I finally noticed the flashing sign. I realized that I needed to discipline myself to be sure to set aside time for the important - the most important - things in my life. My time with God. My husband. My children.
I caught it early, and I'm grateful. Just like my son reminding me about my speed, this group meeting was a reminder to get myself back on track as a Christian. Praise God for other Christians to remind us of our obligations as Jesus explained in Matthew 22:37-40. "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it. You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets."
The cable's count of me passing by is about to slow down ... just like the signs warned me to. I've got some prioritizing to do.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Makes Cents To Me
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Gum Scraping Weed Digger
Thursday, April 16, 2009
By The Sea, You And Me, Oh How Happy We'll Be...
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Just As I Am
Friday, March 20, 2009
Public Affection
Monday, March 16, 2009
No flaw In You
Thursday, March 12, 2009
One Weapon
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Setting the Believers An Example
Ayla came to see our new location over her Spring Break last week. Her visit was a welcome one and we delighted in enjoying her company and she ours. But one thing surprised me about her visit that I had to share with my husband yesterday after I returned from driving her back to school. Ayla had changed. She had matured. It was one of the most beautiful things I had seen in her. And this happened just since Christmas. Whenever I was in the kitchen cooking, Ayla jumped up to help. When I was doing laundry, she ran in to help me fold. When I was vacuuming, she dusted. When I did dishes, she was right beside me offering to help. The Ayla at Christmas would need to be asked to help with these things. And the icing on the cake ... when I stayed in her dorm room the night before I left, she offered me her bed, making a place on the floor for herself with a sleeping bag and bed roll (which I climbed into before she could). All selfless, precious glimpses into the fine young lady she has become. She truly fulfilled a Bible verse I have impressed upon the youth I've taught for years: "Let no one despise your youth, but set the believers an example in speech and conduct, in love, in faith, in purity." 1 Tim. 4:12
As we took our last walk around her campus before I left, she said to me, "Mom, I've learned my home is with you and Dad, no matter where it is. Alabama is my home now."
I pray my faith and spiritual growth will one day impress the Father that He can say, "Hey, Jesus, have you seen Jill? She's growing up! Look what she did to help my children. Look what she did to tell others about you. I'm so proud of her." And I say with all praise and glory to the Father, my home is with Abba, God Almighty, everywhere He is.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
What the righteous do
Then I did my Bible study for the day. I'm currently doing a study on prophesies of the Old and New Testament, and the chapter I'm on right now has to do with the end times ... always a cheerful, pick-me-up subject. My study asked what Jesus commanded us to do in preparation for those scary days as described in Matthew chapters 24 and 25. Through parables, the Lord said to be watchful (look for the signs and keep alert to Christ's coming), to work to the very end and to multiply the kingdom with our talents. Then Jesus goes a little deeper talking about what the righteous need to do to the very end. He gives six directives: feed the hungry; give drink to the thirsty; welcome strangers; provide clothing to the naked; care for the sick; and lastly, visit the imprisoned.
You, know, I think I'll be okay alone those Saturdays after all ... or perhaps I can find one of those six to do myself.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Security Gate
Recently someone rammed those exit gates, to the point of breaking them and bending back one of the spikes. I didn't see the incident or vehicle that hit it, but unless it was a tank, I'm guessing it's got some damage. Equally so, the gate is damaged. And now the complex's security is currently compromised.
When looking at that gate today, I thought, you know, that's a lot like Scripture. God has given us His commands and His rules to obey. His security gate, if you wish. He wants us armed against the Evil One before we head out into the world. Peter warns us that our Adversary prowls around like a lion waiting to devour us (1 Peter 5:8) ... looking for holes in the gate so to speak. And like whatever vehicle rammed our gate here, I'm guessing Satan does quite a bit of ramming at gates himself trying to get through. And the times we allow him in, we take a chance of getting damaged.
I prefer making it difficult for him. If I obey God's word from loving Him and loving my neighbor, to the Ten Commandments on down, I'm thinking that's going to be quite a tough gate for Satan to try to get through. Paul tells us to put on the full armor of God in Ephs. 6:13-17, so that we can stand against the wiles of the devil. He says righteousness, truth, faith, assurance of salvation and a willingness to obey and share God's Word are our greatest security measures.
Am I more comfortable knowing the security gates are fully functional here at this apartment complex? No doubt. Am I more comfortable facing the world each day with my Spiritual security gate fully functional ... no doubt. I am strong in the Lord and His power. There's no better Security System on earth.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
I am hopeful
Monday, February 16, 2009
The Better Offer
Recently, we were making plans to visit our daughter, Ayla, in college for Valentine's weekend. She informed us that we could come, but she already had dinner plans, months in the making, with her girlfriends for Feb. 14. They were dressing up and going out for a fancy dinner. We duly noted that, and said we'd work around it. Our plans changed when our daughter said she would be home for Spring Break two weeks later, so we decided to wait until then for our visit.
The Friday before Valentine's Day, Ayla's friends got a "better offer," so to speak. They were invited to the beach with other friends. So they abandoned the plans for the fancy Valentine's dinner with Ayla and ditched her for the beach road trip. Ayla was crushed. She learned some hard lessons that weekend. She learned who she could trust and who she couldn't. She learned the depths of friendship. She learned how to be graceful and forgiving, while hurting. And she learned empathy for anyone who is ever left behind. As a result, she is tougher, stronger and growing.
It's an age old question ... if you have plans with friends, and something better comes along, do you go for the second one because it's more appealing, or stick with your commitments. It's a choice between selfishness and honor. I am pleased my daughter was going to stick with what she committed to even when it was her family driving six hours to come see her. It shows integrity and respect, qualities Solomon spoke about in Proverbs 18:24: "Some friends play at friendship, but a true friend sticks closer than one's nearest kin."
Every decision shouldn't have to be made wondering, "How will God bring justice to this should I choose wrong?" - even though He typically will with Divine Perfection - but rather
..."Which of these choices shows I am my Father's child?"
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Jehovah Raffa
Yesterday I was taking care of two ill ones. My son, who has the flu, and my computer, which had a nasty virus. It was freakish in the parallel to them both as they suffered. As my computer was slow, closing down and malfunctioning, my son was dizzy, burning with fever and sluggish. One required the expertise of my brother who deals with computer security on a daily basis. He's a computer doctor, if you will. He said, "A lot of what I do is good guessing ... I just look at the symptoms, try to find out where the virus has hid itself and remove it." Three to four hours later, my computer is virus free, security updated, filled with new blocks to scary things like malware and hijacks and moving so much faster.
My son, on the other hand, is taking a little longer. He also saw a doctor who asked about all his symptoms, did some tests to eliminate some guesses and prescribed what he felt would help Anton's body be more comfortable as it fights this virus. Alternating painkillers and anti-inflammatories, plus cough medicines are helping his body as his cells fight to destroy the virus that is bringing him down. It could be days before his body is virus free, built up with antibodies to prevent that virus from every attacking again, stronger and moving faster.
Aren't we grateful to loving God that when we're infected with sin that's slowing us down and causing us to malfunction, He doesn't have to look at the symptoms and guess? He knows exactly what's wrong. Interestingly, we probably have a pretty good idea what it is causing the problem as well.
God already gave us the cure ...Accepting His Son, Jesus Christ, as Savior; asking for forgiveness for our sins and turning our life around, digging deeper into His Word so that we'll be stronger in fighting future sin and more fruitful in our service to Him. And know that in Jesus, we are "virus" free where we can boldly approach our Father's throne.
Hallelujah to Jehovah Raffa, God Who Heals; heals us not just physically, but emotionally and spiritually as well. Glory to God Almighty!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
The Bravest Ones
Our family has moved to areas where we have been neglected and treated poorly. If you are new to an area and people completely ignore you and don't make a conscious effort to welcome you, this is not something the Lord looks kindly upon. The Lord expects us as His children to welcome new people. There are angels we have met in our moves that reached out to make us feel not just welcome, but as friends, as family. And we are so grateful to the Lord God for them. Going through this yet again, I am praising God today for the ones who smile and say hello; for the ones who greet you not with just a handshake, but also a hug; and for the bravest ones who dare to invite the stranger into their homes to visit, play and eat. I know the Father has a special place in His heart for His precious ones who reach out. If you are not one of these, perhaps you'll reach out today. Just as I keep telling myself when I meet anyone these days, be thinking: "This could be my new best friend!" If you are one who reaches out to the foreigner, know I am thanking the Almighty for you and praying you are showered with blessings ... as you have blessed me.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Best Stump
I have been lamenting to a number of people about how silent the Lord has been in my life lately. Like Elijah, I listened for Him in the wind, earthquake and fire, but haven't heard Him. I listened for the still small voice and again nothing. Then last week a friend said something to me that was, I believe, confirmed during a sermon I heard Sunday at church. Recently our family moved from Wisconsin to Alabama. We left kicking and screaming as we love our home, friends, family and obligations in Wisconsin. But my husband was laid off before Christmas and the job in Alabama opened up in perfect, divine timing. I just wasn't feeling it.
My friend, Greg, said to me, "Jill, I think God moved you so he could grow the rest of us." I listened to what he said, neither agreeing or disagreeing. Then on Sunday the pastor preached on Jesus speaking to the Samaritan woman at the well (John 4:1-42). He questioned: "Why did Jesus send all 12 of the disciples into the city for food?" In his sermon he answered his own question with the comment that he believed it was because they would be in the way as Jesus spoke to this woman. Speaking to a Samaritan was looked down upon by Jews. So he got the disciples out of the way to grow the woman. It's possible, this pastor said, that if you are in God's way, He'll remove you from a situation to grow others. Now, let me tell you, the last thing I ever want to be is in God's way. At the same time, if that's why we were moved ... it sure hurts. But pruning always does and in the end we look far more full and vibrant, accomplishing much more, producing more fruit as John 15 tells us. I told my Dad recently I felt like God had pruned me back to a stump. He said, "Then be the best stump you can be." So I am ...