Wednesday, April 16, 2014


I love sparkly things. Sequins, glitter, jewelry, anything that sparkles. As my daughter said, "I am drawn to sparkly things like bugs to a zapper."

I have a pair of silver sparkly shoes that I got at our church youth yard sale a year ago for 25 cents. (I know, great bargain, right?) They are comfortable and super sparkly ... unless it's cloudy outside. Then, not so much. They don't sparkle at all actually. They need some kind of light to reflect to be completely appreciated.

Sunlight or artificial, they need it to scintillate (my new word for the day - basically means to sparkle). And if you're wearing something with sparkle potential, you want maximum scintillation.

I think Christians are a lot like my glittery shoes. We need to be in the Light to truly shine. Every moment of every day, we need to find the Light, stay in the Light and reflect the Light so others see it. If we are, perhaps people will be drawn to Christ the way I'm drawn to sparkly things.

I used to wish that when I walked, I would leave sparkle behind me (you know like Tinkerbell when she flies). And with these sparkly shoes, that sometimes happens, as the little glitter bits fall off now and then. Again, I think that, too, is something we as Christians should aim for: leaving that sparkle of Christ in our wake so people will know we've been there in His name. You know - change the world for Jesus so they see it's all because of Him.

It's a sunny day today. I've got the sparkle shoes on. Praying I radiate the Son as much as they reflect the sun.

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